Concealing Love Bites: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Cover a Hickey

A hickey, often referred to as a love bite or a kiss mark, can be a source of embarrassment or discomfort for many individuals. Whether you’re trying to maintain a professional appearance at work or keep your personal life private, knowing how to cover a hickey effectively is a valuable skill. In this guide, we’ll explore various methods and techniques to conceal a hickey discreetly.

Understanding the Science Behind a Hickey

Before delving into the art of concealing hickeys, it’s essential to understand what a hickey is. A hickey is essentially a bruise caused by broken blood vessels beneath the skin’s surface, resulting from intense suction or biting. The mark typically starts as red or purple and gradually turns brownish or yellowish as it heals.

Immediate Remedies

When you discover a hickey, the first step is to reduce its visibility. Applying a cold compress can help minimize swelling and constrict blood vessels, making the hickey less noticeable. Use an ice pack or a wrapped bag of frozen peas, applying it gently to the affected area for 15-20 minutes.

Concealing with Makeup

Makeup is a powerful tool when it comes to hiding imperfections, and it works wonders for covering hickeys. Follow these steps for an effective makeup cover-up:

    • Color Correction: Begin with a color corrector to neutralize the red or purple tones of the hickey. Green correctors are excellent for canceling out redness.
    • Concealer: Choose a high-coverage concealer that matches your skin tone. Dab the concealer onto the hickey using a makeup sponge or your fingertip, gently blending the edges for a seamless finish.
    • Setting Powder: Set the concealer with a translucent setting powder to prevent smudging and ensure longevity.
    • Browse our makeup courses for more tips on concealing with makeup. With the right products and technique, you can easily hide your hickeys in no time! 

Clothing Choices

Strategic clothing choices can be a simple yet effective way to conceal a hickey. Consider wearing high-necked shirts or scarves that cover the affected area. If the hickey is on the neck, opt for collared shirts or blouses that provide coverage without drawing attention.

Hairstyling Techniques

If the hickey is on or near the hairline, experimenting with different hairstyles can be an effective way to conceal it. For example:

    • Hair Down: Letting your hair down can naturally hide a hickey on the neck or upper chest.
    • Updo or Bun: If the hickey is on the lower neck or collarbone area, styling your hair in an updo or bun can provide coverage.

Topical Remedies

While not an instant solution, applying topical remedies like arnica gel or vitamin K cream can help reduce the healing time of a hickey. These products are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and can be applied a few times a day to speed up the healing process.

Concealing Accessories

  1. Consider using accessories to divert attention away from the hickey. A statement necklace or a stylish scarf can draw attention upward and away from the affected area. Choose accessories that complement your outfit while effectively concealing the love bite.
  2. Prevention Tips: Of course, the best way to avoid the need to cover a hickey is to prevent them in the first place. Open communication with your partner about boundaries and preferences is crucial. If you still find yourself with a hickey, consider discussing methods to avoid leaving visible marks.


Knowing how to cover a hickey can be a valuable skill for maintaining privacy and professionalism. Whether you choose to use makeup, clothing, hairstyles, or accessories, the key is to find a method that suits your preferences and effectively conceals the love bite. With these tips and tricks, you can confidently navigate the world while keeping your personal life just that—personal.